How to create a candidate detail page in Drupal Professionals?
The candidate detail page is a nice and convenient way to showcase our available consultants.
Before you start
Check if the visuals you want to use are compliant with the visual guidelines.
- Create a candidate overview page (if doesn't exit yet)
- Create a candidate page
Go to the following icon on the left side of your screen
Select the country you want to work in and click on "nodes"
Click on "add content"
Choose the content type: Candidate Detail Page
Parent: Please select the article overview page
Slug: Please use this field if you want a custom URL (don't forget the - between the words). It will be filled automatically with date and the title if it hasn't been filled.
Language: Please select the language in which you want to create the blog
Candidate ID: Not mandatory field
First name: First name of the consultant
Last name: Last name of the consultant
Job Title: Position which suits the best to the consultant
Introduction: Text describing the consultant
Availibility: Date drom when the consultant will be available
Expertise domain: Please select below the domain in which the consultant has some expertise
Function level: Please select below the seniority level of the consultant
Region: Please select below the regions in which the consultant is active
Skills: Please slect below the skills of the consultant (if one skill appears twice, please select one of them)
URL: URL of the contact form in order to contact SCS
Link text: Text which will appear on the button
Please select the language and also its level
Click on "Add language" if you want to add an extra language
Click on save