GUESTS Here you will see a list of guests. This is a mix of guests who received the e-mail, filled in the form, cancelles, .... You can use the predefined filters to make a selection.You can choose which fields are visible in the guestlist by clicking on the wheel on the right side.In the second column you can see the status of the guest: Completed (filled in the form), invited (send an invitation mail), not invited yet or cancelled.
IMPORTS GUESTS Here you can upload a csv file with data about the guests. But we're using the connection with Salesforce now, so always go via Salesforce to upload the guests.
GROUPS Here you can create groeps of users and use these groups for sending out e-mails. -> see step 8
CAMPAIGNS Here you create your e-mails for this event (invitation, rappel, reminder, ...) -> See step 6