STEP 5: the guestlist
In this section you can manage your guests.
There are 4 tabs
Here you will see a list of guests. This is a mix of guests who received the e-mail, filled in the form, cancelles, .... You can use the predefined filters to make a selection.You can choose which fields are visible in the guestlist by clicking on the wheel on the right side.In the second column you can see the status of the guest: Completed (filled in the form), invited (send an invitation mail), not invited yet or cancelled. - IMPORTS GUESTS
Here you can upload a csv file with data about the guests. But we're using the connection with Salesforce now, so always go via Salesforce to upload the guests. - GROUPS
Here you can create groeps of users and use these groups for sending out e-mails. -> see step 8 - CAMPAIGNS
Here you create your e-mails for this event (invitation, rappel, reminder, ...) -> See step 6