
There are 3 different types of surveys which you can add for your events on InviteDesk:

  • Event Satisfaction
  • When a guest decline
  • When registration is closed

Tip: you can consult your survey results on the event dashboard.

Type of surveys

Event Satisfaction

This survey can be added in the thank you mail that is sent after the event or it can be added to the Write new email (Ad hoc).

When a guest decline

When your invitee declines the invitation by hitting the “Decline” button in the invitation mail, he will be shown the “When a guest declines” survey if activated in your dashboard. This survey can be added in the Write new email (Ad hoc) to the target group "Declined".

When registration is closed

When your tickets are all gone or when the registration form is closed, your invitee will have the possibility to complete the “When registration is closed” survey if activated in your dashboard.

How to create a survey?

On an event dashboard on the right-hand side, you can specify 3 types of surveys for your event, each linked to a different stage in the process:

The survey is created in a format that is very similar to the registration page editor. After you selected the survey, you will see the following.

After you have added the questions or questionnaires you want, you will have the following possibilities:

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