20/01/2024 - LMS 2023_05
New functionalities
- Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, corporate added
- Country/Language switch added to the main navigation
- Possibility to login with SSO. No more need to use a password (you will be contacted in order to make the necessary changes on your account).
Bug Fixes / Improvements
- Content pages
- Secondary call to action added to hero of content page
- FAQs paragraphs under each others don't show the same content any more
- Training pages
- Maximum 4 related trainings showed
- Training impage showed when training is shared on social media
- Check-out funnel
- Tracking issues solved
- Discount text not showed when not necessary
- /year added in the discount section of the check-out funnel when subscription is being purchased
- Ranking taxonomy moved from master to the country one as it's the case for the other ones
- Issue with canonical of the page fixed