Understanding Google Ads Conversions

Conversions track important user actions, like submitting a form or downloading content, that support SD Worx’s business goals. This article explains the types of conversions tracked in the SD Worx Google Ads account, when they trigger, and how they impact campaign performance. 

What Are Conversions in Google Ads? 

A conversion in Google Ads is a specific action a user takes after interacting with an ad, whether on the website or directly with the ad itself, such as making a phone call, getting directions, or installing an app. Tracking these actions helps gauge campaign effectiveness by showing how well the ads drive user engagement with the brand. Conversions provide insights that help SD Worx optimize campaigns, improve ROI, and ultimately meet business objectives. 

Types of Conversions in the SD Worx Account 

In the SD Worx Google Ads account, multiple types of conversions are tracked to capture valuable interactions. Here’s a breakdown of each conversion type: 

1. Purchase 

What it is: Tracks purchases linked to SD Worx Academy, where users buy training programs. 

When it triggers: After completing an order, typically on a confirmation or "Thank You" page. 

Purpose: To measure revenue generated from ads promoting training programs and gauge campaign effectiveness in driving sales. 

2. Store Visit 

What it is: Monitors when users navigate to a physical location. 

When it triggers: When users interact with navigation options, such as clicking on "Get Directions." 

Purpose: To track foot traffic generated by local campaigns and understand the offline impact of ads. However, this is not currently used at SD Worx as it is more relevant for businesses with physical store locations. 

Attention! We recommend to not optimising towards this goal, as its mostly linked to employees, so remember to remove it from campaign optimization.  

3. Submit Lead Form 

What it is: Tracks leads generated through form submissions for various purposes, including: 

Resource Requests: Downloads of resources such as eBooks. 

Job Applications: Submission of job application forms. 

Webinar Registrations: Sign-ups for online events. 

Event Registration: Registration for in-person or virtual events, such as conference or workshops.  

When it triggers: Upon successful form submission, often linked to a confirmation page or event tracking. 

Purpose: To identify high-value prospects, generate leads, and build engagement through resources and events. 

4. Sign Up (Newsletter Subscriptions) 

What it is: Tracks user subscriptions to the SD Worx newsletter. 

When it triggers: When users successfully register their email for newsletter updates. 

Purpose: To grow the subscriber base for ongoing communication and nurture long-term customer relationships. 

5. Phone Call Lead 

What it is: Captures leads via phone calls, focusing on: 

Call from Ads: When users click a phone number in a Google Ad to initiate a call. 

When it triggers: As soon as the user initiates the call by clicking the phone number. 

Purpose: To measure direct engagement from potential customers and assess ad effectiveness in generating inquiries. 

Attention! We recommend to not optimising towards this goal, as its not common to click on call. And most of these calls are done by mistake.  

6. Contact 

What it is: Monitors direct contact actions, such as: 

Clicks to Call: When users click on a phone number on the website or ad to call SD Worx. 

When it triggers: Upon the user’s interaction with the click-to-call feature. 

Purpose: To track interest from users who prefer direct communication and assess the value of call-based leads. 

7. Request Quote 

What it is: Tracks inquiries for pricing or demonstrations, including: 

Commercial Requests: Requests for customized quotes. 

Demo Requests: Requests for product or service demonstrations. 

When it triggers: After submission of a request form or upon reaching a "Thank You" page. 

Purpose: To capture leads showing intent to purchase and assess campaign performance in driving inquiries. 

8. Get Directions (local actions- Directions) 

What it is: Tracks navigation actions for local services. 

When it triggers: When users click on options like "Get Directions" for local offices or events. 

Purpose: To connect digital ads to offline visits and evaluate the influence of location-specific campaigns. 

9. Download 

What it is: Tracks mobile app installations, specifically: 

Android Installs: Downloads of the SD Worx Android application. 

When it triggers: Upon successful app installation. 

Purpose: To monitor the growth of the app user base and evaluate campaigns promoting the app.   

Attention!  this goal is rarely used in acquisition campaigns at SD Worx, as app installs are not a primary focus for most of our campaigns. 

10. Engagement 

What it is: Monitors various forms of user engagement: 

Other Engagements: Actions like spending time on key pages or interacting with specific elements. 

YouTube Channel Subscriptions: Users subscribing to SD Worx’s YouTube channel. 

When it triggers: When specific engagement criteria are met, such as clicking the "Subscribe" button on YouTube. 

Purpose: To measure brand engagement and identify content that resonates with the audience. 

11. Page View 

What it is: Tracks visits to high-priority web pages, such as: 

Page View – Contact Us: Visits to the "Contact Us" page. (Only for Sweden) If you want to implement this for your country please drop a message to Angela Marin.  

Local Actions – Website Visits: General visits to the website linked to location-based ads. 

When it triggers: Upon a user landing on these designated pages. 

Purpose: To analyse interest in specific services or locations and guide future remarketing efforts. 

12. Other 

What it is: Tracks actions not categorized elsewhere, such as: 

Book a Meeting Button: When users click a button to schedule a meeting with SD Worx. 

When it triggers: Immediately upon clicking the meeting button. 

Purpose: To identify users with a high intent to engage and convert them into actionable leads. However, this action is currently only available on the SD Worx Sweden website. 

Change in Classification of Key Events 

The classification of conversions on SD Worx’s websites (GA4) has shifted from the ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ conversions model to a funnel-based categorization using ‘Awareness,’ ‘Consideration,’ and ‘Conversion’ key events. This new classification aligns better with the user's journey through the marketing funnel, focusing on intent and the stage of engagement. 

Previous System: 

  • Hard Conversions: Represented high-intent actions (e.g., commercial & demo requests). 
  • Soft Conversions: Represented low-intent actions (e.g., resource requests, event registrations, newsletter subscriptions). 

Current System: 

The conversions are now classified as: 

  • Awareness Key Events 
  • Consideration Key Events 
  • Conversion Key Events 

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