Third Party Import: Briefing

How to Brief the Marketing Automation Team for Import Requests

As a marketer, providing clear and comprehensive briefs to us (The marketing automation team) is essential for successful data import processes. Whether you’re dealing with new prospects, update on interaction,... following these guidelines will ensure smooth execution.

Steps to take into account:

  1. Not sure if your list is valid? Check the workflow chart (image below or Miro board)
  2. Filter your list
  3. Utilize the import template: Template_Import_List.xlsx
  4. Define the criteria for us to take into account to meet your goal

1. Is your list valid?

2. Filter the list

Lists can be filled with usefull data, but maybe also data that we do not want to have in our CRM.

Analyse your list and remove data that matches these kind of criteria:

Data types


Bad data (Email)

Emails like:,,


John Doe from Acerta (Belgian competitor), Joanna Doe from ADP (International competitor)

Unrelevant contacts

Martha Stewart - Student from University college, Brent Adams - Electrician from Lightbulb

3. Utilize the Import Template

The import template: Template_Import_List.xlsx

Mandatory fields

When briefing a list for data import, ensure that you fill in the following mandatory fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Communication Language
  • Company

These fields are essential and the minimum for us to start working on the list.

Optional Fields

While the mandatory fields are critical, consider including optional fields for richer demographic data:

  • Job Title
  • Number of Employees
  • Phone
  • Main Department
  • Function Level
  • C-Level
  • Lead Country
  • Temporary Comments: Extra comments that Sales will see on opportunity to help them in their selling process.
Attention: The fields for Communication Language, Number of Employees, Main Department, Function Level, C-Level, and Lead Country have predefined values. If these do not adhere to the standards we have set, we will return the list for completion.
Additional Information Fields

For further detail, you can input campaign specific data into the following fields:

  • CM Campaign, Medium, and Source: Useful for tracking the effectiveness of specific campaigns.
  • CM Text 1 and 2
  • CM Comments 1 and 2
  • Partner: Exclusively for personalizing email messages based on partner relationships.

Provide us a detailed step on where we need to take action for

Please email us with the details provided below, along with the import list, to ensure a comprehensive understanding of what is necessary to accomplish the task successfully without missing any details.

* Mandatory

  • Campaign*: Which campaign do we connect
  • Campaign Member Status*: Select the appropriate status corresponding to your type. If there are multiple statuses, divide the Excel sheet into separate tabs for each status.
  • Opted in*: Yes/No -> Only yes, if there is a valid Marketing communication consent  (≠ data consent)
    !!! Provide us a contract/statement/example form/... where the Marketing communication statement is described. !!!
  • Do we need to score*: Yes/No
  • Which category score: Payroll & Reward/Core HR/Workforce Management/Talent & Careers/Staffing & Recruitment. By default the score will be +30.
  • Do they need to be added to a Nurturing flow? Yes/No, if yes which?


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