Click on the section "Registration form" and the wizard for creating the form will start.
Fields Here you can create the sections and the form fields. Normally you started from an template so a couple of fields will be already available;
1. Internal Name: this is only visible in the tool, not on the website
2. Label on the event site: Fill in the name of the field that will be visible on the website
3. Settings: the type of field you want to create
4. Here you have to add the values of the field
5. Field tag: this can be used on the e-ticket
6. Field visibility: here you can select if this field should be visible or hidden
7. Setting up the form/tree structure: here you can set criteria based on one or more fields with choice options. The field is displayed if at least one condition is met.
Filters With filters you can limit certain options.
Limits Here you add the limits for the event. IMPORTANT: for the moment you can only add 1 overall limit.
Access Determine when registration is possible, who can register and which actions are possible1. Choose a disclaimer and if the guest has to confirm this 2. Choose the Availability of the event: should it be published and who may register? 3. Here you have to fill in the dates for the deadline for registering or make changes 4. Select here which actions guests will be able to do: edit or cancel registration, or decline invitation
Messages Here you can set the messages displayed during the registration process.
Auto e-mails Here you can set the e-mails that are automatically sent during the registration process. If an e-mail is not active, no communication will be sent.
Here you have to create the confirmation email. For the moment you can only create a standard confirmation email. So one and the same for everybody.
Click on the + icon to add an email.
Fill in the subject and the content.
Click on the Settings link in the Right top if you want to add an e-ticket.
When you're ready click on the "COMPLETE WIZARD" button.