Add Campaign Members on Salesforce

This article explains how to add prospects to a Salesforce Child campaign. This can be done:

  1. Via the contact object on Salesforce
  2. Via Reporting on Salesforce
  3. Via third-party imports (managed by the Marketing Automation Team)
  4. By List Management Team from Studioworx

Send a request to StudioWorx (List Management Team)

Contact the List Management Team from Studioworx Team via the following request form:

Request form πŸ‘‰

1.0 Add Campaign member via contact object

The addition of members via the campaign object is a manual process and not recommended for big query or number of prospects.

  1. Navigate to the contact you wish to add to your campaign on Salesforce.
  2. Select β€œCampaign History” in the Related List Quick Links section.
  3. Click on the botton β€œAdd to Campaign” at the top right.
  4. A search wizard pops up. Select your desired campaign. Make sure to add the contact to the appropriate child campaign and not the parent campaign!
  5. Click Next. In the following screen leave all values as they are and click save.

2.0 Add Campaign members via Salesforce report

This method requires creating report on Salesforce.

  1. Go to Salesforce navigation ➑️ Report
  2. Click on the button β€œNew Report” at the top right.
  3. Choose the appropriate report template (usually β€œContacts & Accounts”)
  4. Add filters to your report ➑️ Click on β€œsave & run” button.
  5. After running the saved report, you will then be able to β€œAdd to Campaign” via the drop-down button.
  6. Select the right child campaign and leave the default values for the other fields ➑️ click on β€œSubmit”.

Note: The report needs to be saved in order for the 'add to campaign' option to appear in the dropdown. It is highly suggested to save it in your 'Private Reports' folder unless for other purposes.

3.0 Add Third-Party prospect to a campaign

The process to push third-party leads to a child campaign is managed by the Marketing Automation Team.

Contact the Marketing Automation Team:

πŸ™Žβ€Matthew Smet ➑

πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈChandni Danhoo ➑

πŸ™†β€β™‚οΈMario Medina ➑

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