Gather Prospect Data Over Time (Progressive profiling)

What is Progressive Profiling?

Normally, with a Pardot Form, a user will return to a page, and it will only show form fields that the user has not previously completed (unless a the setting ‘Always display even if previously completed’ is check in the Form Builder).

If you’re running recurring events like monthly webinars, and users are coming back to register over and over, they’re likely to just be completing the email field because they would have previously completed the other form fields.

With Progressive Profiling you are able to display a form field based on what is already completed. For instance, if we already know a user’s first name, we can display a field that might be empty like company size.

You’re more likely to get more information from the user in this manner, as you’re not bombarding the user with several form fields, and you can ask for different information over time.

So keep your forms short to drive a higher conversion rate by gathering more prospect information over time.

Progressive profiling displays fields based on fields that a prospect completed on previous forms.

How to Add Progressive Profiling?

  1. Navigate to your form and open it for editing.
  2. In Step 2 (Fields) of the form wizard, edit the field you want to make conditional.
  3. On the Progressive tab, select Show this field only if the prospect already has data in the following field(s).
  4. Add the fields that you want a value for before showing the conditional field.
  5. Save your changes.

EXAMPLE Form A displays the Name and Email fields. A prospect submits the form. Form B has Job Title as a conditional field that is set to display when the prospect has entered values for the Name and Email fields. If a prospect views Form B before submitting Form A, the Job Title field is not shown.

Repeat the steps for each conditional field.

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