Creating an autoresponder/confirmation email in Pardot

When you are creating a landing page with a form and you want to send an instant confirmation email to everybody that submits the form. In Pardot this is called an "Autoresponder email".

  1. Navigate to the folder “Example emails - Autoresponders

[COUNTRY FOLDER] > Content > Example emails - Autoresponders

  1. Copy the email “[COUNTRY CODE] TEMP Autoresponder example MAIL
  • Fill in the "Name"
  • Choose the "Folder" of the form/page
  • Select the "Campaign" of the form/page
  • Click "Save"
You can copy an email using the menu in the right top corner or by simply pressing “alt + c” on your keyboard.
Always respect the naming convention.

  1. Update the content (text & images) of the email and click “Publish to Template”
Always use “Publish to Template”, don't use the “save” button!

  1. In the “Completion Actions” of your form you can now add an action “Send autoresponder email” and select the email you have just created
Try creating your confirmation email BEFORE you create the form to prevent having to close/open the assets too many times.

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