How to create a domain page in Drupal?
Domain pages are essential in our 5 X 4 approach. They help to show to our prospects and customers our 5 domains.
Before you start
Check if the visuals you want to use are compliant with the visual guidelines.
- Go to the following icon on the left side of your screen
- Select the country you want to work in and click on "nodes"
- Click on “add content”
- Choose the content type case:
Language/Parent/Slug/Breadcrumb label
Language: Please select the language in which you want to create the blog
Parent: Please select the article overview page
Slug: Please use this field if you want a custom URL (don't forget the - between the words). It will be filled automatically with date and the title if it hasn't been filled.
Breadcrumb label: Please use this field if you want a custom breadcrumb. It will be filled automatically with the page title if it hasn't been filled.
Title: Please fill the name of the domain
Short description: Please fill a short introduction to the domain
Image: Representing the domain: 850 X 478 pixels
URL (optional)
Link Text: Text which appears on the button (optional)
It can be chosen between the following paragraphs:
Menu setting
To be found on the right side - Only to be filled if you want the page to appear in the main navigation
Swipe the toggle “provide a menu link” to the right
Parent link: Please select the page showing an overview of the different domains available in the country.
The last toggle “enable” doesn't have any function and can be left to the right.
Click on “save”
Search title: Use the domain name
Search description: Search description: This is the text which appears in the search results of the website itself and in the search results of Google.
Search Image: Use the same image as for the hero itself
Click on “save”
Relevant elements are automatically filled and/or taken from the search section.