Email sender information Pardot

When you send out emails via Pardot you can control the From address and add a different Reply-to address.

IMPORTANT : Automatic replies (eg. out of offices) are sent to the sender email address most of the time. If somebody replies manually on an email, this reply will be sent to the reply-to address (if this is different than the from address).

Option 1 – General user

You can decide the name of the sender. This can be generic (eg. SD Worx) or a name of a person (eg. Kobe Verdonck).

The ‘reply-to address’ can (does not have to) be different than the ‘sender’ address.

Option 2 – General user + reply to account owner

You can decide the name of the sender. This can be generic (eg. SD Worx) or a name of a person (eg. Kobe Verdonck).

The “reply-to address’ can be the email address of the account owner in case you expect recipients to reply and you want to route this emails to the right account owner (make sure account owners are aware and know what to do with this).

Option 3 – Account owner + reply to general address

We advice to only use this option in case of mailings to a limited number of contacts & where this personalization is really critical, because most automatic replies will be sent to the account owners. This is annoying for the account owner and we lose valuable information that can be in the automatic replies (e.g. person does not work in company anymore, …).

You can simulate that the sender of the email is the account owner known in Salesforce (so this option is only applicable for Salesforce contacts). 

The ‘reply-to address’ can (does not have to) be different than the ‘sender’ address and this can be a general address.

Option 4 – Account owner

We advice to only use this option in case of mailings to a limited number of contacts & where this personalization is really critical, because most automatic replies will be sent to the account owners. This is annoying for the account owner and we lose valuable information that can be in the automatic replies (e.g. person does not work in company anymore, …).

You can simulate that the sender of the email is the account owner known in Salesforce (so this option is only applicable for Salesforce contacts). 

All replies (automatic and manual) will be sent to the account owner.

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