Step 3: Create a responded list

What is the purpose of creating a list for a landing page?

A list is required if you have a registration form on your page. The objective of this list is to capture the data of who submit/respond to your form successfully. The responded list can be used for targeting purpose. Moreover, the naming convention of landing page list should consist of the word "responded" for example:

[Country-code] [Campaign-code] [Description] [Asset-Name]
BE TRNG MyFirstLandingPage (responded) NL LIST

How and where to use a responded list?

Scenario 1: Responded list can be used in Nurturing Flow to send a set of emails

  • Let’s say, you would like to send a set of emails to all prospects who registered via your landing page. The responded list which will capture all registrants can be linked easily to a Pardot Nurturing Flow to target those prospects.

Scenario 2: Responded list can be used in automation to create some actions

  • Suppose you have a form where registrations are done via tools such as GoToWebinar / Jot Form / LinkedIn … You can push the registrants to a Pardot responded list to create some actions such as: push to Salesforce / add to Lead queue / mark as opt-in prospects on Pardot (if they gave consent)…

1. How to create list for landing page?

  1. Navigate to the folder where you need to create your list
  2. Click on "Add new" button > List
  3. Add List Information

2. Add list information

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